David Falk has followed soccer in the Puget Sound region since 1974. This blog covers Sounders FC, local college soccer, Seattle Wolves FC, Tacoma Tide FC and Kitsap Pumas. Send tips or comments to: goalseattle@gmail.com
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

More from our local heroes

All eyes on Eylander.

The club websites at www.SoundersFC.com and www.SeattleSounders.net are stepping up with news and interviews from our local soccer heroes.

Adrian Hanauer has more from his world travels:

"The relationships with the people at Paris FC are valuable ones that I want to continue. We went to the Paris FC game that night not so much to see players, but to exchange ideas. We talked about their club, what’s going on in Ligue 1, Ligue 2, The National, and their differences. We talked about the quality of play and how player exchanges might work. For me, if I can learn one tiny kernel everywhere I go, then it’s worth it.

In my mind, putting a team together is a lot more art than science. Part of it is just being out there and building these types of relationships."

Brian Schmetzer talks about coaching the 2008 Sounders:

"There’s already the target because we’re defending champion of the USL First Division. Teams do want to measure up to us. Fans may think it’s just this group of players moving up, saying, ‘Oh my gosh, they’re MLS? We’re almost as good or better than them.’ They don’t understand the makeup of the [2009 MLS] team has yet to be decided. It will certainly have a lot of new and good professionals on the team."

Chris Eylander discusses life in front of the Sounders goal:

"Kasey Keller was big time for me growing up. I watched him play, and also had the chance to train with him. When I was young there was a group of goalkeepers training together: Tom Dutra (current Sounder goalkeeper coach), Matt Olson, Jeremy Proud, and a few others. They were older than me, so it was a privilege to be able to train with them. Kasey trained a couple times with these guys as well, and it was a great experience to go out there and see how it’s done."

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