David Falk has followed soccer in the Puget Sound region since 1974. This blog covers Sounders FC, local college soccer, Seattle Wolves FC, Tacoma Tide FC and Kitsap Pumas. Send tips or comments to: goalseattle@gmail.com
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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Times Opinion: Heal political wounds with soccer

I guess Taso G. Lagos is serious in his editorial in today's Seattle Times. I don't know. Seems well intentioned enough.

I just have to add...what about all the Independents or Revolutionaries, or the Worker's Part, or the Green Party? Will they be allowed to be the refs and ball 'people?'

Hey, let's start our own political soccer revolution. RAVE GREEN Party, anyone?


This is why I suggest we turn the Sounders opening game not only into an event heralding Major League Soccer in Seattle, but also one to celebrate community and to transcend political differences.

I propose a special soccer game before the main event between elected Republicans and Democrats. This game would be shorter than most soccer games: 60 minutes total, or 30 minutes halves. It should be played by those fit enough and skilled enough to make it entertaining. Any moneys raised for this charity game must go to local foundations.

But most important, it is a game between rivals that unify for the good of our community.

It may sound corny, but it is such "corn" that softens the edges of life and reminds us what connects rather than what separates us.

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